Manuscripts submitted, in review and/or invited to revise(* co-first authorship, ** (co)supervised students, ***(co)senior authorship) 89. Hersh, T. A.**, Marcondes, D. S.**, Fonseca, G. F.**, Valle-Pereira, J. V. S.**, Kratofil, M. A.**, Machado, A. M. S.**, Atkins, S.**, Bankhead, K. R.**, Sears, K. M.**, Rahman, M. M.**, de Moura, S. P. G.**, Fecci, F.**, CANTOR, M.*** Submitted. (Sept 2024) 88. Araújo-Wang C, CANTOR M, Wang J. Submitted. (August 2024) 87. Tardin R, Maricato G, Kiszka J, CANTOR M, Maciel I, Melo-Santos G, May-Collado L, Meirelles AC, Gonçalves MI, Daura-Jorge F, Sousa-Lima R, Le Pendu Y, de Thoisy B, Cremer M, Simões-Lopes PC, Caballero S, Rossi-Santos M, Alves MA, Freitas D, Santos MC, Paitach R, Barrios-Garrido H, Athayde A, Barbosa C, Bassoi M, Bertozzi C, Borges JC, Briceño Y, Cardoso J, Cezimbra T, De Turris-Morales K, Domit C, Dussan-Duque S, Ferreira R, Flores PA, Lima F, Lima-Jr M, Marcondes M, Pool M, Ristau N, Rodrigues A, Wedekin L, Vale M. (Submitted) (August 2024) 86. Weiss, M.* & CANTOR, M.* Submitted. (August 2024) 85. Eguiguren A., Ávila I., Mesnick, S., CANTOR, M., Hersh, T., Pérez-Puig, H., Rosero, P., Rendell L., Whitehead, L., Rojas, C., Alava, J. J. Submitted. (Aug 2024) 84. Sears, KM**, Daura-Jorge, FG, Machado, AMS**, Farine, DR, Rogan, E. CANTOR M. Submitted (June 2024) 83. Wooster, E.I.F., Jolly, C.J., Des Roches, S., Ashton, B.J., CANTOR, M., Carthey, A.J.R., Gaynor, K.M., Kopf, R.K., Lundgren, E.J., Stanton, L.A., Whiting, M.J., Ritchie, E.G., Nimmo, D.G. Submitted. (May 2024) 82. Mesnick, S. L., Donovan, G., Brownell, R. L. Jr., Moore, J. E., Morin, P., Lang, A., Alexander, A., Wild, L., Straley, J., Merkens, K., Long, K., Wade, P. R., Eguiguren, A., CANTOR, M., Baker, S., Cipriano, F. Submitted.(April 2024) 81. Fonseca GF**, Broadhurst MK, Nunes TY, di Domenico M, CANTOR M***, Domit C***. Invited to Revise (April 2024) 80. Santana MS**, Domit C***, CANTOR M***. Submitted (April 2024) 79. Atkins S**, Mann-Lang J, Cliff G, Olbers J, Kock A, Lucrezi A, Griffiths M, Jordaan T, Plön S, Matthee CA, Pillay N***, CANTOR M***. Invited to Revise. (Sep 2023) 78. CANTOR M, Atkins S**, Sutaria D, Allen S. Accepted. (Sep 2023). 77. Moura SPG**, Domit C***, CANTOR M***. Submitted (Sep 2023) 76. Machado AMS**, Daura-Jorge FG***, Farine DR***, Tarling P, Clapés A, Escalera SG, CANTOR M***. Invited to Revise. (Dec 2022) 75. Daura-Jorge, F.G.* & CANTOR, M.* Submitted. (Mar 2021) 74. Schulze, B., CANTOR, M, Cunha, H., Simões-Lopes, P.C., Cremer, M. Invited to Revise (Nov 2020) |
Articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals
Unfortunately, copyright agreements prevent me to provide some papers here.
Write me and I will send you a PDF copy.
(* co-first authorship, ** (co)supervised students, ***senior authorship)
Write me and I will send you a PDF copy.
(* co-first authorship, ** (co)supervised students, ***senior authorship)
73. CANTOR M*, Santos-Silva B*, Daura-Jorge FG, Machado AMS**, Peterson D, da Rosa DX, Simões-Lopes PC, Valle-Pereira JVS**, Zank S, Hanazaki N. 2024. Changes in the users of the social-ecological system around a reciprocal human-dolphin relationship. People & Nature. 00, 1-16. doi:
72. Atkins S**, Mann-Lang J, Cliff G, Pillay N***, CANTOR M***. 2024. Articulating the dynamics among stakeholders in KwaZulu-Natal’s bather-shark conflict to create a productive research-implementation space. Ocean & Coastal Management. 255 (2024) 107244. doi:
71. Ávila JVC, Tickin T, Ghiel ELH, Steward A, CANTOR M, Clement C. 2024. Recovery of local agrobiodiversity after an extreme flood in Amazon floodplains. Biological Conservation 292, 110536. doi:
202370. Bierlich, KC, Wengrove D, Bird C, Davidson R, Chandler T, Torres L, CANTOR M***. 2023. LidarBoX: a 3D-printed, open-source altimeter system to improve photogrammetric accuracy for off-the-shelf drones. Drone Systems and Applications.
69. Atkins S**, Mann-Lang J, Cliff G. Pillay N.***, CANTOR M***. 2023. Stakeholder perceptions reveal obstacles and opportunities to change lethal methods of protecting bathers from sharks. Marine Policy. 155: 105762
68. Athayde A, CANTOR M, Cardoso J, Francisco A, Santos F, Crespo H, Morais M, Albaladejo MC, Gallo H, Siciliano S. 2023. Movements and social behavior of Killer whales off the Brazilian coast. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10. doi: https://10.3389/fmars.2023.1206796
67. McInturf AG, Bowman J, Schulte J, Newton KC, Vigil B, Honig M, Pelletier S, Cox N, Lester O, CANTOR M, Chapple, T. 2023. A unified paradigm for defining elasmobranch aggregations. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsad099,
66.CANTOR M 2023 The fate of a century-old partnership between humans and dolphins. The Science Breaker, 9(3). doi:
65. CANTOR M, Farine DR, Daura-Jorge FG. 2023. Foraging synchrony drives resilience of human-dolphin mutualism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 120 (6) e2207739120. doi: 64. Moura, S.P.G.**, Schulze, B, Broadhurst, M.K., CANTOR, M., Domit, C. 2023. Population parameters of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in a southern Brazilian estuary . Mammalian Biology. doi:
63. Palacios DM & CANTOR M. 2023. Priorities for ecological research on cetaceans in the Galápagos Islands. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10: 1084057 doi:
62. Hersh TA, Gero S, Rendell L, CANTOR M, Weilgart L, Amano M, Slooten E, Johnson C, Kerr I, Payne R, Rogan A, Antunes R, Andrews O, Ferguson EL, Hom-Weaver CA, Norris TF, Barkley YM, Merkens KP, Oleson EM, Doniol-Valcroze T, Pilkington J, Gordon J, Fernandes M, Guerra M, Hickmott L, Whitehead H. 2022. Evidence from sperm whale clans of symbolic marking in non-human cultures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 119 (37) e2201692119 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2201692119
61. Soares E.D.**, CANTOR M.***, Bracarense APFRL, Groch KR, Domit C***. 2022. Skin lesions and nutritional status of Guiana dolphins facing cumulative anthropogenic impacts. Mammalian Biology. doi:
60. Cram D.L.*, van der Wal J.E.E.*, Uomini N.T.*, CANTOR M.*, Afan A.I., Attwood M.C, Amphaeris J., Balasani F., Blair C.J., Bronstein J.L., Buanachique I.O., Cuthill R.R.T., dos Santos W.F., Das J., Daura-Jorge F.G., Deb A., Dixit T., Dlamini G.S., Dounias E., Gedi I.I., Gruber M., Hoffmann L.S., Holzlehner T., Isack H.A., Laltaika E.A., Lloyd-Jones D.J., Lund J., Machado A.M.S.**, Mahadevan L., Moreno I.B., Nwaogu C.J., Pierotti R., Rucunua S.A., Serpa N., Smith B.D., Sridhar H., Tolkova I., Tun T., Valle-Pereira J.V.S.**, Wood B.M., Wrangham R.W, Spottiswoode C.N.* 2022. The ecology and evolution of human-wildlife cooperation. People and Nature. 4, 8841-855 doi:
59. van der Wal J.E.E.*, Spottiswoode C.N.*, Uomini N.T.*, CANTOR M.*, Daura-Jorge F.G.*, Afan A.I., Attwood M.C, Amphaeris J., Balasani F., Begg C.M., Blair C.J., Bronstein J.L., Buanachique I.O., Cuthill R.R.T., Das J., Deb A., Dixit T., Dlamini G.S., Dounias E., Gedi I.I., Gruber M., Hoffmann L.S., Holzlehner T., Isack H.A., Laltaika E.A., Lloyd-Jones D.J., Lund J., Machado A.M.S.**, Mahadevan L., Moreno I.B., Nwaogu C.J., Pereira V.L., Pierotti R., Rucunua S.A., dos Santos W.F., Serpa N., Smith B.D., Tolkova I., Tun T., Valle-Pereira J.V.S., Wood B.M., Wrangham R.W, Cram D.L.* 2022. Safeguarding human-wildlife cooperation. Conservation Letters. 15 (4): e12886 doi:
* we are in the cover! 58. Tarling, P.**, CANTOR, M.***, Clapés, A.***, Escalera, S***. 2022. Deep learning with self-supervision and uncertainty regularization to count fish in underwater images. PLOS One 17(5): e0267759.
57. Santos-Silva, B**, Hanazaki, N., Daura-Jorge, F.G., CANTOR, M.***. 2022. Social foraging can benefit artisanal fishers who interact with wild dolphins. 76, 42 Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, doi: 10.1007/s00265-022-03152-2
56. Valle-Pereira, J.V.**, CANTOR, M.***, Machado, A.M.S.**, Farine, D.R., Daura-Jorge, F.G.*** 2022. The role of behavioural variation in the success of artisanal fishers who interact with dolphins. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsac038,
55. Senigaglia, V., Christiansen, F., Bejder, L., Sprogis, K, CANTOR, M. 2022. Human food-provisioning impacts the social environment, home range and fitness of a marine top predator. Animal Behaviour.
202154. Machado, A.M.S.** & CANTOR, M.***. 2021. A simple tool for linking photo-identification with multimedia data to track mammal behaviour. Mammalian Biology. 102, 983–993 (2022). doi:
**supervised student 53. He, P., Montiglio, P.O., Somveille, M., CANTOR, M., Farine, D.R. 2021. The role of habitat configuration in shaping animal population processes: a framework to generate quantitative predictions. Oecologia. doi:
52. CANTOR, M*, Chimento, M.C.*, Smeele, S.Q*., He, P., Papageorgiou, D., Aplin, L.M., Farine, D.R., 2021. Social network architecture and the tempo of cumulative cultural evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 288: 20203107. *co-first authorship 51. Moura, S.**, CANTOR, M., Broadhurst, M.K., Domit, C. 2021. Environmental and behavioural factors influence individual variation in space use by Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis). Journal of Mammalogy. DOI:10.1093/jmammal/gyab056
**co-supervised student
49. CANTOR M*, Maldonado-Chaparro A.A.*, Beck K., Brandl H., Carter G.G., He P., Hillemann F., Klarevas-Irby J.A., Ogino M., Papageorgiou D., Prox L, Farine D.R. 2020. The importance of individual-to-society feedbacks in animal ecology and evolution. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi:
* Co-first authorship |
48. Eguiguren, A, Pirotta, E, Boerder, K, CANTOR, M, Merlen, G, Whitehead, H. 2020. Historical and contemporary habitat use of sperm whales around the Galápagos Archipelago: implications for conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 1-16.
47. Fontoura, L.*, CANTOR, M*., Longo, G.O., Bender, M., Bonaldo, R., Floeter, S.R. 2020. The macroecology of reef fish agonistic behaviour. Ecography. 43(9): 1278-1290, doi: 10.1111/ecog.05079
* Co-first authorship
We are on the cover!
* Co-first authorship
We are on the cover!
46. Grueter, C.C., Qi, X., Zinner, D., Bergman, T., Li, B., Li, M., Xiang, Z., Zhu, P., Migliano, A.B., Miller, A., Krützen, M., Fischer, J., Rubenstein, D., Vidya, T.N.C., CANTOR, M., Swedell, L. 2020. The multilevel organization of animal sociality. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 35 (9), 834-847
45. CANTOR, M., Aplin, L.M., Farine, D.R. 2020. A primer on the relationship between group size and group performance. Animal Behaviour. 166, 139-146. doi:
44. Goumon, S., Illmann, G., leszkowová, I., Dostalová, A., CANTOR, M. 2020. Dyadic affiliative preferences in a stable group of domestic pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 230: 105045 doi:
43. Rosa, DSX, Hanazaki, N, CANTOR, M., Simões-Lopes, P.C., Daura-Jorge FG. 2020. The ability of artisanal fishers to recognize the dolphins they cooperate with. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 16:30. doi:
42. CANTOR, M., Barreto, AB, Tauter RM, Griffoni B, Castilho PV, Maranho A, Beatriz C, Kolesnikovas C, Godoy D, Rogério DW, Dick JL, Groch KR, Rosa L, do Valle RR, Cremer, M, Cattani P, Domit C. 2020. High incidence of sea turtle stranding in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsaa073,
41. Armansin, N.*, Stow, A*., CANTOR, M*., Leu, S., Klarevas-Irby, J., Chariton, A., Farine, D.R.*, 2019. Social barriers as drivers of life-history evolution: The Social Resistance hypothesis. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. doi:
* These authors contributed equally
* These authors contributed equally
40. Rendell, L., CANTOR, M., Gero, S., Whitehead, H., Mann, J. 2019. Causes and consequences of female centrality in cetacean societies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 374 (1780): 20180066. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2018.0066
* Contribution to the theme issue "The evolution of female-biased kinship in humans and other mammals" edited by Mattison S.M., Shenk, M.K., Thompson, M.E., Mulder, M.B., Fortunate, L.
* Contribution to the theme issue "The evolution of female-biased kinship in humans and other mammals" edited by Mattison S.M., Shenk, M.K., Thompson, M.E., Mulder, M.B., Fortunate, L.
39. Inagaki K.Y., Mendes T.C., Quimbayo J.P., CANTOR, M., Sazima I. 2019.
The structure of fish follower-feeding associations at three oceanic islands in southwestern Atlantic. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
The structure of fish follower-feeding associations at three oceanic islands in southwestern Atlantic. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
38. Machado, A.M.S.**, CANTOR, M., Costa, A.P.B.; Righetti, B.H.P.; Bezamat, C.; Valle-Pereira, J.V.S.**, Simões-Lopes, P.C.; Castilho, P.V.; Daura-Jorge, F.G. 2019. Homophily around specialized foraging underlies dolphin social preferences. Biology Letters. 15: 20180909. doi:
* supervised students
* supervised students
37. Eguiguren, A., Pirotta, E., CANTOR, M., Rendell, L., Whitehead, H. 2019. Habitat preferences of culturally distinct Galápagos sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) clans. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 609: 257-270. doi:
36. Muller, Z.*, CANTOR, M.*; Cuthill, I.C., Harris, S. 2018. Giraffe social preferences are context dependent. Animal Behaviour. 146: 37-49. doi:
* Co-first authorship
Muller, Z.*, CANTOR, M.*; Cuthill, I.C., Harris, S. 2019. Corrigendum to “Giraffe social preferences are context dependent” [Animal Behaviour 146 (2018) 37-49], Animal Behaviour
* Co-first authorship
Muller, Z.*, CANTOR, M.*; Cuthill, I.C., Harris, S. 2019. Corrigendum to “Giraffe social preferences are context dependent” [Animal Behaviour 146 (2018) 37-49], Animal Behaviour
35. Guimarães, P.R. Jr., Pires, M.M., CANTOR, M., Coltri, P. 2018. Interaction paths promote module integration and network-level robustness of spliceosome to cascading effects. Nature Scientific Reports 8: 17441. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-35160-6.
BioRxiv doi:
BioRxiv doi:
34. Quimbayo, J.P.,* CANTOR, M*., Dias, M., Grutter, A., Gingins, S., Becker, J.A.H., Floeter, S.R. 2018. The global structure of marine cleaning mutualistic networks. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 27 (10): 1238-1250. doi: 10.1111/geb.12780
* Co-first authorship
* Co-first authorship
33. CANTOR, M. & Farine, D.R. 2018. Simple foraging rules in competitive environments can generate socially-structured populations. Ecology and Evolution. 8(10): 4978-4991.
32. CANTOR, M.; Simões-Lopes, P.C.A.; Daura-Jorge, F.G. 2018. Spatial consequences for dolphins specialised in foraging with fishermen. Animal Behaviour 139: 19-27. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2018.03.002
As PhD student
20. CANTOR, M., Shoemaker, L., Cabral, R., Flores, C.O., Whitehead, H. 2015. Multilevel animal societies can emerge from cultural transmission. Nature Communications. 6, 8091. doi:10.1038/ncomms9091
19. Pires, M.M., CANTOR, M., Guimarães, P.R., Aguiar, M., Reis, S.F., Coltri, P. 2015. The network organization of protein interactions in the spliceosome is reproduced by the simple rules of food-web models. Nature Scientific Reports. 5, 14865.
doi: 10.1038/ srep14865 |
18. CANTOR, M. & Whitehead, H. 2015. How does social behavior differ among sperm whale clans? Marine Mammal Science. 31(4): 1275–1290.
doi: 10.1111/mms.12218 |
17. CANTOR, M.* & Gero, S.* 2015. The missing metric: Quantifying contributions of reviewers. Royal Society Open Science. 2: 140540.
doi: 10.1098/rsos.140540 * Co-first authorship Further: our post on the Official Blog of the School of Economics and Political Sciences |
16. Beirão, L., CANTOR, M., Flach, L., Galdino, C.A.B. 2014. Performance of computer-assisted photographic matching of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis). Aquatic Mammals, 40(3), 313-316.
doi: 10.1578/AM.40.3.2014.313 |
15. Cavechia, L., CANTOR, M., Begossi, A., Peroni, N. 2014. Resource-use patterns in swidden farming communities: Implications for resilience of cassava diversity. Human Ecology. 42(4), 605-616.
doi: 10.1007/s10745-014-9672-6 |
14. Lodi, L., CANTOR, M., Daura-Jorge, F.G., Monteiro-Neto, C. 2014. A missing piece from a bigger puzzle: declining occurrence of a transient group of bottlenose dolphins off southeastern Brazil. Marine Ecology. 35(4), 516-527.
doi: 10.1111/maec.12108. |
12. CANTOR, M., Pires, M.M., Longo, G.O., Guimarães, P.R. Jr, Setz, E.Z.F. 2013. Individual variation in resource use by opossums leading to nested fruit consumption. Oikos. 122: 1085–1093. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2012.00070.x |
11. CANTOR, M. 2013. Diz-me com quem nadas e te direi quem és: cultura, aprendizado e estrutura social entre botos e baleias. Revista Expedição de Campo, Instituto de Pesquisas Cananéia, 4: 26-28.
As MSc student |
9. Daura-Jorge, F. G.; CANTOR, M.; Ingram, S. N.; Lusseau, D.; Simões-Lopes, P. C. 2012. The structure of a bottlenose dolphin society is coupled to a unique foraging cooperation with artisanal fishermen. Biology Letters. 8 (5): 702 - 705. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2012.0174
Our article was one of the top ten download articles in 2012 in Biology Letters, so we got free access!
Some media coverage:
8. Pagliosa, P. R.; CANTOR, M.; Scherner, F.; Otegui, M.B.P.; Lemes-da-Silva, A. L.; Martins, C.D.L.; Alves, G. F.; Fonseca, A. ; Horta, P.A. 2012 . Influence of piers on benthic primary producers and consumers functional groups in a subtropical coastal lagoon channel. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 60: 65-75.
doi: |
5. CANTOR, M. ; Ferreira, A. L.; Silva, W. R; Setz, E. Z. F. 2010. Potential seed dispersal by Didelphis albiventris (Marsupialia, Didelphidae) in highly disturbed environment. Biota Neotropica, 10: 45-51.
doi: |
4. CANTOR, M. & Engel, M. 2010. Only skin deep: Comprehending the biology of humpack whales through skin samples. Global Marine Environment, Plymouth Devon, UK, p. 28 - 29.
1. CANTOR, M. & Pizzatto, L. 2008. Leptodeira annulata diet. 2008. Herpetological Review, 39(4): 470-471.
Book Chapters
16. CANTOR, M. Accepted. Aprendizado e estrutura social no oceano: cachalotes, cliques, codas, comunicação, clans, e cultura. In: Mora na Ontogenia: dinâmicas do corpo e do comportamento dos seres vivos, 1st edn. [in Portuguese] (September 2017)
16. Teixeira CR & CANTOR M***. Accepted. Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus, Linnaeus 1758. In: Melletti M, Tessaro GS (eds). Handbook of the Mammals of Middle and South America (Series). Springer Nature.
15. Eguiguren, A., Konrad Clarke, C.M., CANTOR, M. 2023. Sperm Whale Reproductive Strategies: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. In: Würsig, B., Orbach, D.N. (eds) Sex in Cetaceans. Springer, Cham.
14. CANTOR, M.*, Gero, S.*, Whitehead, H., Rendell, L. 2019. Sperm whale: the largest toothed creature on earth. Invited Contribution to the Würsig, B., (ed.) Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Odontocetes. Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals. Springer, Cham.
ISBN 978-3-030-16662-5
(*co-first authorship)
ISBN 978-3-030-16662-5
(*co-first authorship)
13. CANTOR, M., Longo, G., Fontoura, L., Quimbayo, J.P., Floeter, S., Bender, M. 2018. Interaction networks in tropical reefs. In: Dáttilo, W. and Rico-Gray, V. (Eds.) Ecological Networks in the Tropics: An Integrative Overview of Species Interactions from Some of the Most Species-Rich Habitats on Earth. ISBN: 978-3-319-68227-3. Springer Publisher. pp 141-154. doi: https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-68228-0_10
12. Trillmich, F., CANTOR, M. 2018. Sociobiology. pp 882-887. In: B Wursig, H Thewissen & KM Kovacs (eds) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. 3rd ed. 1190 pp. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego. ISBN: 9780128043271.
11. Crivellaro, M.; Villa, B. M.; Faga-Pacheco, F.; Gunboski, E. L.; Dechoum, M.*; CANTOR, M*. 2019. Nada é por acaso: co-ocorrência de líquens sugere importância de interações ecológicas na estruturação da comunidade. In: Cunha S.M.B, Faga-Pacheco, F., Lemes-da-Silva A.L., Macedo-Soares, L.C.P, Silveira, T.C.L, Freitas, R.H.A. “Ecologia de campo. Estudos Ecológicos na Baía Babitonga”. 1st Ed Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. 219-241pp. ISBN: 9786580460342 (*co-senior authorship)
10. Faga-Pacheco, F.; Crivellaro, M.S.; CANTOR, M.;Lemes-Silva, A.; Dechoum, M.A.; Gumboski, E.L. Submitted. A riqueza sobe o morro: seria a composição das comunidades liquênicas em garapuvus (Schizolobium parahyba) influenciada pela altitude? In: Cunha S.M.B, Faga-Pacheco, F., Lemes-da-Silva A.L., Macedo-Soares, L.C.P, Silveira, T.C.L, Freitas, R.H.A. “Ecologia de campo. Estudos Ecológicos na Baía Babitonga”. 1st Ed Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. 301-321pp. ISBN: 9786580460342
9. Pierry, J.C.; Fiuza, T.M.J.; Freitas, R.A.; CANTOR, M.; Brito, G.R.L. Submitted. Fight Like a Bird: Estabelecimento de Hierarquia em Competição Por Interferência de Passariformes Frugívoros. In: Cunha S.M.B, Faga-Pacheco, F., Lemes-da-Silva A.L., Macedo-Soares, L.C.P, Silveira, T.C.L, Freitas, R.H.A. “Ecologia de campo. Estudos Ecológicos na Baía Babitonga”. 1st Ed. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. 337-348pp. ISBN: 9786580460342
8. Marciniak, B.; Blanco, G. D.; Ferreira, L. F.; Carneiro, A. P.; CANTOR, M. 2018. Distribuição de Artrópodes associados a manchas de populações de Maria-mole (Senecio brasiliensis). In: Hayata, M.A., Teixeira, L.N., Silva, A.L.L., Silveira, T.C.L., Giehl, E.L.H. (eds). Ecologia de campo: Ambientes costeiros e montanos. Pp. 229-238. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISBN 978-85-45535-58-4 [in Portuguese]
7. Teixeira, C.R.; Nunes, L.T.; Sarmiento-Garcés, R.; Campos, L.L.F.; Gouvêa, L.P.; Dechoum, M*.; CANTOR, M.* 2018. Artropofauna associada a manchas de Baccharis uncinella (Asteraceae): influência do tamanho e complexidade estrutural do hábitat na riqueza e abundância de espécies. In: Hayata, M.A., Teixeira, L.N., Silva, A.L.L., Silveira, T.C.L., Giehl, E.L.H. (eds). Ecologia de campo: Ambientes costeiros e montanos. Pp. 239-249. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. ISBN 978-85-45535-58-4 [in Portuguese] (*co-senior authors)
6. CANTOR, M; Setz, E. Z. F. 2014. Gambá de orelha branca: visitante assíduo de um parque urbano. In: Torres, R.B.; Adami, S.F.; Coelho R.M. (orgs). Atlas socioambiental da Bacia do Rio Anhumas. 1 ed. Campinas: Pontes Editora, p 135. ISBN: 978-85-7113-504-8
Download the full book HERE
Download the full book HERE
Book Organized
CANTOR, M. (Org.) ; Macedo-Soares, L. C. P. (Org.) ; Hanazaki, N. (Org.). 2010. Ecologia de Campo na Lagoa do Peri 2009. 1. ed. Florianópolis: Editora Copyart, v. 1. 192 p.
This book represents a collaborative effort of the Professors and students of the Ecology Graduate Program of the Department of Ecology and Zoology (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil). It contains the results of the 2009 edition of the field course in Ecology, carried out in the Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri, SC, Brazil.
Download the full pdf HERE
This book represents a collaborative effort of the Professors and students of the Ecology Graduate Program of the Department of Ecology and Zoology (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil). It contains the results of the 2009 edition of the field course in Ecology, carried out in the Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri, SC, Brazil.
Download the full pdf HERE
Contributing chapters
5. CANTOR, M. ; Moreira, M.C. ; Alves, G. F. ; Barbosa, C. ; Begnini, R. ; Lopes, B. C. ; Hernández, M. M. I. . Composição da assembléia de formigas epígeas em habitats estruturalmente diferentes. In: Mauricio Cantor; Luis Carlos Pinto de Macedo-Soares; Natalia Hanazaki. (Org.). Ecologia de Campo na Lagoa do Peri 2009. 1 ed. Florianópolis: Editora Copyart, 2010, v. 1, p. 65-78.
4. Barneche, D.R.* ; CANTOR, M.* ; Lopes, B. C. . Quanto maior o buquê, maior a emboscada? A relação entre inflorescências de Actinocephalus polyanthus e abundância de aranhas de tocaia. In: Mauricio Cantor; Luis Carlos Pinto Macedo-Soares; Natália Hanazaki. (Org.). Ecologia de Campo na Lagoa do Peri 2009. 1 ed. Florianópolis: Editora Copyart, 2010, v. 1, p. 167-180
* Co-first authorship
3. Moreira, M.C. ; Alves, G. F. ; CANTOR, M. ; Begnini, R. ; Barbosa, C. ; Fontes, M. L. S. Estimativas do Fluxo de Dióxido de Carbono entre a Interface Água-Atmosfera em uma Área Rasa da Lagoa do Peri (SC). In: Mauricio Cantor; Luis Carlos Pinto de Macedo-Soares; Natalia Hanazaki. (Org.). Ecologia de Campo na Lagoa do Peri 2009. Florianópolis: Editora Copyart, 2010, v. 1, p. 20-29.
2. Barbosa, C. ; Alves, G. F. ; Moreira, M.C. ; CANTOR, M. ; Begnini, R. ; Saccol-Pereira, A. . Variação crepuscular da assembléia de peixes da margem nordeste da Lagoa do Peri, Ilha de Santa Catarina, SC. In: Mauricio Cantor; Luis Carlos Pinto de Macedo-Soares; Natalia Hanazaki. (Org.). Ecologia de Campo na Lagoa do Peri 2009. 1 ed. Florianópolis: Editora Copyart, 2010, v. 1, p. 44-52.
1. Begnini, R. ; Barbosa, C. ; Alves, G. F. ; Moreira, M.C. ; CANTOR, M. ; Castellani, T. T. ; Hanazaki, N. . Fitossociologia de três áreas com diferentes graus de perturbação no Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil. In: Mauricio Cantor; Luis Carlos Pinto de Macedo-Soares; Natalia Hanazaki. (Org.). Ecologia de Campo na Lagoa do Peri 2009. 1 ed. Florianópolis: Editora Copyart, 2010, v. 1, p. 79-92.
4. Barneche, D.R.* ; CANTOR, M.* ; Lopes, B. C. . Quanto maior o buquê, maior a emboscada? A relação entre inflorescências de Actinocephalus polyanthus e abundância de aranhas de tocaia. In: Mauricio Cantor; Luis Carlos Pinto Macedo-Soares; Natália Hanazaki. (Org.). Ecologia de Campo na Lagoa do Peri 2009. 1 ed. Florianópolis: Editora Copyart, 2010, v. 1, p. 167-180
* Co-first authorship
3. Moreira, M.C. ; Alves, G. F. ; CANTOR, M. ; Begnini, R. ; Barbosa, C. ; Fontes, M. L. S. Estimativas do Fluxo de Dióxido de Carbono entre a Interface Água-Atmosfera em uma Área Rasa da Lagoa do Peri (SC). In: Mauricio Cantor; Luis Carlos Pinto de Macedo-Soares; Natalia Hanazaki. (Org.). Ecologia de Campo na Lagoa do Peri 2009. Florianópolis: Editora Copyart, 2010, v. 1, p. 20-29.
2. Barbosa, C. ; Alves, G. F. ; Moreira, M.C. ; CANTOR, M. ; Begnini, R. ; Saccol-Pereira, A. . Variação crepuscular da assembléia de peixes da margem nordeste da Lagoa do Peri, Ilha de Santa Catarina, SC. In: Mauricio Cantor; Luis Carlos Pinto de Macedo-Soares; Natalia Hanazaki. (Org.). Ecologia de Campo na Lagoa do Peri 2009. 1 ed. Florianópolis: Editora Copyart, 2010, v. 1, p. 44-52.
1. Begnini, R. ; Barbosa, C. ; Alves, G. F. ; Moreira, M.C. ; CANTOR, M. ; Castellani, T. T. ; Hanazaki, N. . Fitossociologia de três áreas com diferentes graus de perturbação no Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil. In: Mauricio Cantor; Luis Carlos Pinto de Macedo-Soares; Natalia Hanazaki. (Org.). Ecologia de Campo na Lagoa do Peri 2009. 1 ed. Florianópolis: Editora Copyart, 2010, v. 1, p. 79-92.
Non-peer reviewed articles
1. CANTOR, M. 2018. Fishermen bit off more than they can chew—with a little help from their friends. Science Trends. June 2018. DOI: 10.31988/SciTrends.21562
2. CANTOR, M. 2016. Dolphins and fishermen, there and back. Nicks'n'Notches. Annual Summary from the Chicago Zoological Society’s Sarasota Dolphin Research Program. pp. 31-32
3. CANTOR, M. 2016. On the interplay between society and culture: causes, consequences and stability of sperm whale clans. Doctor of Philosophy. Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Canada.
2. CANTOR, M. 2011. Modelagem da dinâmica social e populacional de Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea: Delphinidae). Master's degree in Ecology. Programa de Pos Graduação em Ecologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. 1. CANTOR, M. 2008. Pequenos mamíferos como dispersores de sementes em um fragmento de vegetação nativa da Bacia do rio Anhumas, Campinas, SP. Bachelor's degree in Biology. Graduação em Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. * Contributions to the following theses: Fontoura, L., Bonaldo, R.M., CANTOR, M., Longo, G.O., Morais, R.A, Floeter, S.R. 2016. The macroecology of agonistic interactions in reef fishes. M.Sc. dissertation in Ecology. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. Quimbayo, J.P., CANTOR, M., Dias, M., Floeter, S.R. Dedicated cleaners structure marine mutualistic networks. In: Quimbayo, J.P. 2017. Fatores Determinantes nas Assembleias de Peixes Recitais em Ilhas Oceânicas Tropicais, Ph.D. Thesis in Ecology. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. Marcel, A.MS.**., CANTOR, M., Simões-Lopes, P.C.; Bezamat, C.; Righetti, B.; Costa, A.P.B.; Rosel, P.; Castilho, P.V.; Daura-Jorge, F.G. 2018. Dolphin social preferences are driven by homophily based on specialized foraging with fishermen. M.Sc. dissertation in Ecology. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. |
Plenary talks in international Scientific Conferences (invited)
- CANTOR M. 2023. Foraging synchrony is key to the resilience of dolphin-human cooperation. Plenary speaker at the Behaviour2023 Conference. Bielefeld University, Germany, Ago 16 2023 (~700 attendants)
- CANTOR M. 2022. Revealing the mechanisms of human-dolphin cooperative foraging. Plenary Speaker at XXXIX Encontro Anual de Etologia, Curitiba, Brazil. Nov 3rd 2022 (~200 attendants)
Invited Talks in International Scientific Conferences
- CANTOR M. 2024. Ecology and evolution of cultural cooperative behavior among humans and dolphins. Exploring the Society Seminars, The National Geographic Society base camp, Washington DC, March 14 2024 (~90 participants)
- CANTOR M. 2023. Behavioral changes and fish availability can impact a century-old human-dolphin foraging cooperation. Symposium: Conservation behavior as a tool to reduce the effects of anthropogenic stressors. Animal Behavior Society Conference, Portland OR USA, Jul 14 2023 (~100 attendants)
- CANTOR M. 2023. Mechanisms and resilience of human-dolphin mutualism. Biology Department Seminar Series, Dalhousie University, Canada, Feb 2nd 2023 (~40 attendants)
- CANTOR M. 2022. Resilience of a rare human–dolphin cooperative fishing. Biology Department seminar, University of Technology UTech, Jamaica, Dec 1st 2022. (~25 attendants)
- CANTOR M. 2022. Mechanisms and conservation of a rare human-animal foraging cooperation. Workshop: Non-human Culture and Conservation, ARCUS Foundation and IUCN, Cambridge UK (virtual), Nov 4 2022.
- CANTOR M. 2022. Mechanisms and conservation of human-wildlife cooperation. International Remote Seminar on Frontiers in Social Evolution (FINE). Nov 29 2022. (~80 attendants)
- CANTOR M. 2022. Assessing the Resilience of Dolphin-Fisher Foraging Cooperation. American Cetacean Society-Oregon Chapter. Virtual Speaker Series Meeting. Oct 22 2022 (~20 attendants)
- CANTOR M. 2022. The resilience of a rare human-dolphin mutualism. Washington State University, Department Seminar Series, Oct 3rd 2022, Pullman WA (~60 attendants)
- CANTOR M. 2022. Resilience of human-dolphin mutualism. PELD SELA seminars. Laguna, Brazil (virtual). Aug 12 2022 (~40 attendants)
- CANTOR, M, Farine DR, Daura-Jorge F. 2022. The mechanisms of human-dolphin foraging cooperation. Congress of the Animal behavior Society July 20 to 25 2022. San José, Costa Rica
- CANTOR M. 2022. Inventive foraging tactics can shape dolphin societies. Science on Tap, Hatfield Marine Science Center. Newport Oregon, April 21 2022 (47 attendants)
- CANTOR M. 2022. Foraging synchrony drives resilience in human-dolphin mutualism. Ohio State University, April 07 2022
- CANTOR M. 2021. Foraging synchrony drives resilience in human-dolphin mutualism. Hatfield Marine Science Center Seminar. Newport Oregon, November 4 2021
- CANTOR M, Vaz N, Velden FV, Maia U, Vianna B. 2021. Mesa Redonda, Nós animais: Antropologia, Ciência e Natureza. May 6 2021. IV Semana de Antropologia da UFS. Universidade Federal do Sergipe, Brazil.
- CANTOR M. 2021. Foraging synchrony drives the resilience of human-dolphin mutualismo. Behaviour, Ecology, Environment and Evolution Seminar. University of Zurich, Switzerland. April 29 2021
- CANTOR M. 2021. Foraging synchrony drives the resilience of a positive human-dolphin interaction. Ciclo de palestras Fritz Muller: "Ecologia e evolução de interações entre espécies" (VI Fritz Muller Seminar Series; Pós-graduação em Ecologia , Universidade de São Paulo, April 2021.
- CANTOR M. 2021. Finding and Forging an Academic Career in a COVID Era. University of Washington, College of the Environment, April 13th 2021
- CANTOR M. 2021. The resilience of a positive human-animal interaction. Human-Wildlife Mutualisms Workshop; organized by University of Cambridge and University of Cape Town. January 19-20, 2021.
- CANTOR M. 2020. High incidence of sea turtle stranding in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Centro de Estudos do Mar, Universidade Federal do Parana, Pontal do Parana, February 07 2020, Brazil
- CANTOR M. 2019. Learning and social patterns in whales and dolphins. EMBO Workshop ‘Beyond the standard: Non-model vertebrates in biomedicine’, from 17 – 20 September 2019. Berlin, Germany
- CANTOR, M. 2018. Oceanic cultural societies: social patterns and learning in whales and dolphins. Macquarie University Marine Research Centre. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, Sep 14 2018.
- CANTOR, M., 2018. Animal social networks: recurring patterns, hidden processes. Social Network Analysis - Mini-conference & Workshop. Macquarie University, Sydney Australia. Sep 11 2018.
- CANTOR, M., 2017. Society and culture among sperm whales: causes, consequences, and stability of vocal clans. Course: Introduction to the Biology of Aquatic Mammals. Undergraduate course in Biological Sciences, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. June 13 2017
- CANTOR, M. 2017. Biological interactions: from patterns to processes and back. Course: Seminaries in Ecology. Graduate Program in Ecology, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. April 17 2017
- CANTOR, M. 2016. Society and culture among Galápagos sperm whales. Departamento de Biologia. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil [in portuguese]
- CANTOR, M. 2016. Sociedade e cultura entre cachalotes de Galápagos. Departamento de Biologia. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil [in portuguese]
- CANTOR, M., Kean, M. 2016. Whales and dolphins. Seacology by Kayak, Halifax, Canada
- CANTOR, M. Animal social networks: an introduction. Cutting Edge in Marine Science Class, Dalhousie University, March 8 2016, Halifax, Canada
- CANTOR, M., Shoemaker, L.G. Clicks, codas, clans and culture: Social learning leads to complex societies in sperm whales. Whale Tales, Feb 14th 2016. Whale Trust, Maui, Hawai'i
- CANTOR, M. A relação mútua entre sociedade e cultura de cachalotes em Galápagos. Universidade de Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, April 6th 2015. Invited talk.
- CANTOR, M. A relação mútua entre sociedade e cultura de cachalotes em Galápagos. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, March 20th 2015. Invited talk
- CANTOR, M. The interplay between social structure and culture among sperm whales. SOI. St Andrews University, Scotland, February 12th 2015. Invited talk
- CANTOR, M. The interplay between society and culture among sperm whales. Dalhousie University Annual Killam Celebration, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2014. Invited talk.
- CANTOR, M. Society and culture among sperm whales. FISH Talks, Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2013.
- CANTOR, M. The structure of a South American dolphin society. FISH Talks. Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2012.
- CANTOR, M. ; Wedekin, L. L. . Monitoramento do Boto-Cinza (Sotalia guianensis) no estuário do Rio Caravelas. 2010.
- CANTOR, M. ; Neves, M. ; Wedekin, L. L. . Identificação Individual de Pequenos Cetaceos. 2010.
- CANTOR, M. . Cetacea: Alguns passos na Pesquisa Científica. 2010.
- CANTOR, M. . Cetacean Research and Conservation in Brazilian Waters. 2008.
Oral presentations in International Scientific Conferences
- CANTOR M, Santos-Silva, Daura-Jorge FG, Machado AMS, Peterson D, da Rosa DX, Simões-Lopes PC, Valle-Pereira JVS, Zank S, Hanazaki N*. 2024. Changes in the users of the social-ecological system around a reciprocal human-dolphin relationship. Panel: Animal-human relations in the 21st century: Past, present and future perspectives. International Society of Ethnobiology Congress: “Biodiversity and Cultural Landscapes: Scientic, Indigenous and Local Perspectives”. Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco. May 15-19 2024
- Bankhead K, Wells R, McHugh K, CANTOR M. 2024. Navigating the Anthropocene: Impacts on social cohesion and organization in marine predators. Panel "Land Management and Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence". North American Congress for Conservation Biology: "Celebrating diversity in conservation from summit to sea". Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 23-28 2024
- Machado AMS, Daura-Jorge FG, Farine DR, Tarling P, Escalera S, Clapés A, CANTOR M. 2023. Cooperation between apex predators drive foraging success despite prey unpredictability. Ecological Society of America Conference, Oral presentation (by M Cantor), Portland OR USA, Aug 07 2023 (~40 attendants)
- CANTOR M. 2023. Spatiotemporal changes in the dolphin-fisher socioecological system. II Interspecies Cooperation Workshop, Cambridge University, Cambridge UK. Jul 6-7 2023 (~35 attendants)
- Atkins S, Mann-Lang J, Cliff G, Olbers J, Pillay N, CANTOR M. 2023. Mapping The Human-Wildlife Conflict Regarding Sharks, Bathers And Bycatch To Identify Obstacles And Opportunities For Change. ICCB 2023 Abstract Submission. SCB's 31st International Congress for Conservation Biology, July 23-27, Kigali, Rwanda.
- Atkins S, Mann-Lang J, Cliff G, Olbers J, Pillay N, CANTOR M. 2023. Mapping The Human-Wildlife Conflict Regarding Sharks, Bathers And Bycatch To Identify Obstacles And Opportunities For Change. The Conservation Symposium, November 5-10 2023, Wild Coast Sun, Port Edward, South Africa.
- Sears KM, Machado AMS, Daura-Jorge FG, Farine DR, Rogan E, CANTOR M. 2023. Do bottlenose dolphins coordinate when foraging with local fishers? Conference Animal Behaviour Society, July 12-15 2023. Portland, OR, USA
- Atkins S, Mann-Lang J, Cliff G, Olbers J, Pillay N, CANTOR M. 2022. Navigating transdisciplinary waters for solutions to protect both sharks and bathers in KwaZulu-Natal. The Conservation Symposium 2022. October 31 to Nov 4 2022. KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
- CANTOR, M, Farine DR, Daura-Jorge F. 2022. The mechanisms and conservation of a rare human-wildlife foraging cooperation. Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 27 to Aug 2nd 2022. (~120 attendants)
- CANTOR, M, Farine DR, Daura-Jorge F. 2022. The mechanisms of human-dolphin foraging cooperation. Congress of the Animal behavior Society July 20 to 25 2022. San José, Costa Rica
- Valle-Pereira JV, CANTOR M, Machado AMS, Farine DR, Daura-Jorge FG. 2022. The role of behavioural variation in the success of artisanal fishers who interact with dolphins. Congresso da Sociedade Latino Americana de Especialistas em Mamíferos Aquáticos. September 11-15 2022 Praia do Forte, BA, Brazil.
- Marcondes D, Domit C, CANTOR M. 2022. Spatiotemporal changes in the acoustic behavior of Guiana dolphins under cumulative noise conditions. Congresso da Sociedade Latino Americana de Especialistas em Mamíferos Aquáticos. September 11-15 2022 Praia do Forte, BA, Brazil.
- Atkins A, Mann-Lang J, Cliff G, Pillay N, CANTOR M. 2021. Understanding stakeholders’ knowledge and perceptions of shark nets. The International Congress for Conservation Biology. 13-17 December, 2021 (virtual)
- Atkins A, Mann-Lang J, Cliff G, Pillay N, CANTOR M. 2021. Barriers And Enablers To Changing Kwazulu-Natal’s Lethal Shark Nets: A Qualitative Study Of Stakeholder Perceptions. The Conservation Symposium, South Africa, November 1-5
- Marcondes D, Domit C, CANTOR M. 2021. Guiana dolphin acoustic behavior in port and conservation areas. Animal Behaviour Society conference. August 3-6 2021 (virtual)
- CANTOR M. 2021. The resilience of a positive human-animal interaction. Human-Wildlife Mutualisms Workshop; organized by University of Cambridge and University of Cape Town [hold online due to the COVID-19 pandemic]. January 19-20, 2021.23.
- Farine DR, CANTOR M., Aplin L. A primer on the relationship between group size and group performance. Animal Behaviour Society conference. August 2020 (virtual)
- Galdino CAB, CANTOR M, Ventura SPR, Lisboa CC. 2020. Unstructured spatiotemporal associations among “territorial” lizards.Animal Behaviour Society conference. August 2020 (virtual)
- Atkins A, Cliff G., Dicken M., Pillay N, CANTOR M. 2020 Sharks that bite, bather safety and bycatch: can we reduce the conflict by knowing when they co-occur? The Conservation Symposium 2020. South Africa, November 2-6 2020. (virtual)
- Atkins A, Mann-Lang J, Cliff G, Pillay N, CANTOR M. 2020. Barriers And Enablers To Changing Kwazulu-natal’s Lethal Shark Nets: A Qualitative Assessment Of Stakeholder Perceptions. International Conference on Conservation Biology, Kigali, Rwanda 12-16-Dec 02-06 2020
- Machado, A.M.S.*; CANTOR, M.; Simões-Lopes, P.C.; Bezamat, C.; Righetti, B.; Costa, A.P.B.; Castilho, P.V.; Daura-Jorge, F.G. 2020. Homophily around specialized foraging underlies dolphin social preferences. 15thAnnual Meeting of the Ethological Society, University of Tubing, Feb 18-20, 2020, Germany.
- Valle-Pereira J*, Machado AMS, Daura-Jorge FG, CANTOR, M. 2019 Behavioral contexts change the social connectedness of individual dolphins specialized in foraging with fishermen. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Dec 06-09 2019
- Daura-Jorge FG, CANTOR M, Machado AMS, Bezamat C, Simões-Lopes PC. 2019. Dolphin specialized behavior is resistant to demographic and environmental changes. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Dec 06-09 2019
- Hersh T, Gero S, Rendell L, CANTOR M, Whitehead H. 2019 Coda type variation over 30 years in Galápagos sperm whale clans. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Dec 06-09 2019
- Senigaglia V, Bejder L., CANTOR M, Christiansen F. 2019. Fitness cost of food-provisioning on bottlenose dolphins can be related to an impoverished social environment. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Dec 06-09 2019
- Atkins S, CANTOR M,Cliff G, Guyomard D, Hoarau M, Pillay N. 2019. Changing Gears: Reducing The Impact Of Shark Culling Programmes. The Conservation Symposium, South Africa 4-9 Nov 2019
- Atkins S, CANTOR M, Cliff G, Pillay N. 2019. Mapping The Human-wildlife Conflict Around Shark Nets. The Conservation Symposium, South Africa 4-9 Nov 2019
- CANTOR M. 2019. Culture on both sides of the dolphin-fishermen cooperation. National Geographic Explorers Festival. Mexico City, Mexico. Mar 19 2019
- CANTOR M. 2019. Culture and cooperation on both sides of a rare human-animal interaction. National Geographic Animal Culture Workshop. Radolfzell, Germany. Feb 26 2019
- Atkins S., Cliff G., CANTOR M, Pillay N. 2019 Public perceptions of shark nets and shark attack: a pilot study. ICM SA From Science to Policy and Beyond. Cape Town, South Africa. Feb 6-8 2019
- Inagaki K.Y., Mendes T.C; Quimbayo J.P, CANTOR M., Sazima I. 2019. Estrutura das Interações Nucleares-Seguidores em Ilhas Oceânicas do Atlântico Sul. XXIII Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia, Belém do Pará, Brazil. Jan 27-31 2019.
- Atkins, S., CANTOR, M., Cliff, G. Pillay, N. 2018. A sound strategy to reduce by catch in shark nets: temporal patterns of dolphin acoustics at Richards Bay. African BioAcoustics Community conference, University of Cape Town, South Africa, December 2018
- Valle-Pereira J, CANTOR, M., Machado AMS, Daura-Jorge FG, Simões-Lopes PC. 2018. Behavioral context influences the social structure of the bottlenose dolphin that interacts with artisanal fishermen. XII Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos, 5 y 8 de noviembre en la ciudad de Lima, Perú.
- CANTOR, M. 2016. Society and culture of Galápagos sperm whales. Encontro Nacional de Etologia 12-15 November 2016, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil.
- CANTOR, M. 2016. Culture in sperm whale social networks. Networks in Biology, GOEvol meeting. 12-13 October 2016, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Göttingen Center for Molecular Biolosciences, Germany.
- Fontoura, L., Morais, R.A., CANTOR, M., Bonaldo, R., Floeter, S.R. 2016. The macroecology of agonistic interactions in reef fishes. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, 19–24 June, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
- CANTOR, M., Hoogenboom, L., Gero, S., Rendell, L., Whitehead, H. 2015. Sperm whale population and cultural turnover off the Galápagos Islands in the last 30 years. XXI Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco CA, USA.
- Beirão, L., CANTOR, M., Flach, L., Simões-Lopes, P.C.A. 2014. Does the use of space influence Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) social structure? 16 Reunión de expertos en mamíferos acuáticos de América del sur (RT) / X Congreso de la sociedad latinoamericana de especialistas en mamíferos acuáticos (SOLAMAC), Cartagena, Colombia.
- Whitehead, H, CANTOR, M. 2014. Networks and culture. Animal Social Network Investigative Workshop. National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, University of Tenessee, Knoxville, USA.
- CANTOR, M., Whitehead, H. 2013. Social structure variation among cultural clans of sperm whales. XX Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
- CANTOR M, Shoemaker L, Cabral RB, Varga, M. Flores, C. 2013. Can hierarchical animal societies emerge from biased cultural transmission? 2013 Santa Fe Complex Systems Summer School, New Mexico, USA.
- Yen J, Cabral RC, CANTOR M, Hatton I, Kortsch S, Patel S, Patrício J, Yamamichi M. 2013. Linking structure to function in food webs. 2013 Santa Fe Complex Systems Summer School, New Mexico, USA.
- Whitehead, H; CANTOR, M. 2012. Networks and culture. Workshop Animal Social Networks: Perspectives and Challenges. Universität Bielefeld, Germany.
- Peroni, N., Cavechia, L., CANTOR, M., Begossi, A. 2012. Social network analysis of a vegetative propagated species and the implications for resilience. 13th Conference of the International Society of Ethnobiology. Montpellier, France.
- CANTOR, M. ; Wedekin, L. L. ; Guimarães Jr., P. R. ; Simões-Lopes, P. C. A. 2011 . In the same place at different times: the temporal structure of the social network of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis). 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Tampa Bay, Florida, USA.
- CANTOR, M. ; Wedekin, L. L. ; Daura-Jorge, F.G. ; Rossi-Santos, M. ; Simões-Lopes, P. C. A. 2010 . Population dynamics of Sotalia guianensis in the Caravelas Estuary, Brazil: a small population composeb by residents and temporary emigrants. XIV Reunião de Trabalhos de Especialistas em Mamíferos Aquáticos da América do Sul. Florianopolis, SC, Brazil.
Complete work published in annals of Scientific Conferences
- CANTOR, M., Shoemaker, L., Cabral, R., Varga, M. & Flores, C.O. 2013. Can hierarchical animal societies emerge from biased cultural transmission? Proceedings of the Complex Systems Summer School of the Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, USA.
- Yen, J.D.L., Cabral, R., CANTOR, M., Hatton, I., Korstch, S., Patel, S., Patricio, J. & Yamamichi, M. 2013. Linking structure to function in food webs. Proceedings of the Complex Systems Summer Scholl of the Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, USA.
- CANTOR, M. ; Otegui, M.B.P. ; Lemes-da-Silva, A. L. ; Freitas, G. ; Lobato, F. ; Fonseca, A. ; Horta, P.A. ; Pagliosa, P. R. . Assessing the influence of urban structures on estuarine soft-bottom benthic macrofauna. In: III Congresso Latino Americano de Ecologia, 2009, São Lourenço. Anais do III Congresso Latino Americano de Ecologia. São Paulo: Sociedade de Ecologia do Brasil, 2009. v. 1. p. 1-3.
- Vieira-Pinto, T. ; Vital, F. ; CANTOR, M. ; Scherner, F. ; Fonseca, A. ; Pagliosa, P. R. ; Horta, P.A. 2009. Effect of docks on macrophytobenthic community: a case study in estuary. In: III Congresso Latino Americano de Ecologia, 2009, São Lourenço. Anais do III Congresso Latino Americano de Ecologia. São Paulo : Sociedade de Ecologia do Brasil, v. 1. p. 1-3.
- CANTOR, M. ; Piccinini, C. M. ; Setz, E. Z. F. ; Silva, W. R. 2007. A Contribuição de Didelphis albiventris (Marsupialia, Didelphidae) para a dispersão de Sementes de um Fragmento Florestal Urbano. In: VIII Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, 2007, Caxambú. Anais do VIII Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil. Caxambú : Sociedade Brasileira de Ecologia. p. 1551.
Poster presentations in International Scientific Conferences
- Bowman JN, Cornelius JM, CANTOR M, Chapple TK. 2024. When hunters become the hunted: an investigation of chemical alarm signaling in a species of elasmobranch. Conference of The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle WA USA, January 2-6 2024
- Bankhead K, McHugh K, Wells R, CANTOR M. 2023. Spreading dynamics of maladaptive foraging behavior among highly social predators. Conference of the Animal Behaviour Society, Portland OR, USA, July 11-16 2023.
- Bowman JN, Cornelius JM, Chapple TK, Armstrong J, CANTOR M. 2023. When hunters become the hunted: an investigation of chemical alarm signaling in a species of elasmobranch. Conference of the Animal Behaviour Society, Portland OR, USA, July 11-16 2023.
- Nogueira T, CANTOR M, Rossi-Santos MR. 2022. Dinamica espacial do boto-cinza (Sotalia guianensis) na Baía de Todos os Santos em um intervalo de 13 anos. Congresso da Sociedade Latino Americana de Especialistas em Mamíferos Aquáticos. Praia do Forte, BA, Brazil
- Atkins S, Judy Mann-Lang, Geremy Cliff, Jennifer Olbers, Neville Pillay, CANTOR M (2022) Navigating transdisciplinary waters for solutions to protect both sharks and bathers in KwaZulu-Natal. The Conservation Symposium 2022. Oct 31 to Nov 4 2022
- Nogueira T, CANTOR M, Rossi-Santos MR 2022 Ecologia comportamental do boto-cinza (Sotalia guianensis) na baía de todos os santos em um intervalo de 13 anos. Congresso da Sociedade Latino Americana de Especialistas em Mamíferos Aquáticos. Praia do Forte, BA, Brazil
- Valle-Pereira JV, CANTOR M, Machado AMS, Farine DR, Daura-Jorge FG. 2022. The role of behavioural variation in the success of artisanal fishers who interact with dolphins. Congresso da Sociedade Latino Americana de Especialistas em Mamíferos Aquáticos. Praia do Forte, BA, Brazil
- Marcondes D, Domit C, CANTOR M 2022 Spatiotemporal changes in the acoustic behavior of guiana dolphins under cumulative noise conditions. Congresso da Sociedade Latino Americana de Especialistas em Mamíferos Aquáticos. Praia do Forte, BA, Brazil
- CANTOR, M.; Machado, A.M.S.; Bezamat, C.; Simões-Lopes, P.C.; Daura-Jorge, F.G. 2020. Resilience of dolphin cultural behaviour to demographic and environmental changes. Annual Meeting of the Ethological Society, Universiy of Tubingen, Feb 18-20, 2020, Germany
- Machado, A.M.S.; CANTOR, M.; Simões-Lopes, P.C.; Bezamat, C.; Righetti, B.; Costa, A.P.B.; Castilho, P.V.; Daura-Jorge, F.G. 2020. Homophily around specialized foraging underlies dolphin social preferences. 15th Annual Meeting of the Ethological Society, Universiy of Tubingen, Feb 18-20, 2020, Germany
- He P, Montiglio, PO, Somveille, M, CANTOR M, Farine DR 2020. A network-based model for depicting animal habitat configuration. 15thAnnual Meeting of the Ethological Society, Universiy of Tubingen, Feb 18-20, 2020, Germany.
- Hersh T, Gero S, Rendell L, CANTOR M, Whitehead H. 2019 Coda type variation over 30 years in Galápagos sperm whale clans. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Dec 06-09 2019
- Valle-Pereira J, Machado AMS, Daura-Jorge FG, CANTOR, M. 2019 Behavioral contexts change the social connectedness of individual dolphins specialized in foraging with fishermen. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Dec 06-09 2019
- Daura-Jorge FG, CANTOR M, Machado AMS, Bezamat C, Simões-Lopes PC. 2019. Dolphin specialized behavior is resistant to demographic and environmental changes. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Dec 06-09 2019
- Senigaglia V, Bejder L., CANTOR M, Christiansen F. 2019. Fitness cost of food-provisioning on bottlenose dolphins can be related to an impoverished social environment. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Dec 06-09 2019
- Soares E, Bracarense APFRL, CANTOR M, Domit C. 2019. Guiana dolphin skin disorders as proxies for short-term anthropogenic disturbances in port areas. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Dec 06-09 2019
- Atkins S, CANTOR M, Cliff G, Guyomard D, Hoarau M, Pillay N. 2019. Changing Gears: Reducing The Impact Of Shark Culling Programmes. The Conservation Symposium, South Africa 4-9 Nov 2019
- Atkins S, CANTOR M, Cliff G, Pillay N. 2019. Mapping The Human-wildlife Conflict Around Shark Nets. The Conservation Symposium, South Africa 4-9 Nov 2019
- He P, CANTOR M, Farine DR 2019. A general model for simulating networks to characterize the intrinsic configurational properties of animal habitats. New Frontiers in the Study of Animal Behaviour, August 26-28. Konstanz University, Konstanz Germany
- Moura SP, CANTOR M, Domit C. 2018. Spatial use by resident and transient individuals of Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) at a world heritage site in Southern Brazil. XII Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos, 5 y 8 de noviembre en la ciudad de Lima, Perú.
- Valle-Pereira, J.V., Machado, A.M.S., Daura-Jorge, F.G., CANTOR, M. 2018. Specialized foraging influences social position among individual wild dolphins XXXVI Encontro Anual de Etologia, Ouro Preto, November 15, Brazil
- Goumon, S., G. Illmann, I. Leszkowová, A. Dostálová, M. Cantor. 2018. Social preferences among Přeštice black-pied pigs. Proceedings of the 52th International congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Charlottetown, PEI. Canada. P222.
- Eguiguren, A., CANTOR, M., Pirotta, E., Whitehead, H. 2017. Distribution of culturally distinct but sympatric sperm whale clans off the Galápagos Islands. 22th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, October 22-28; Halifax, Canada
- Fontoura, L, CANTOR, M., Leprieur, F., Sardinha, G., Floeter, S.R., Madin, E. 2017. Ecological and evolutionary drivers of reef fish agonistic interactions. 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference. 2-6 October 2017 Tahiti, French Polynesia
- Eguiguren, A., CANTOR, M., Pirotta, E., Whitehead, H. 2016. Distribution of culturally distinct but sympatric sperm whale clans off the Galápagos Islands. Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia: Extension of Biology Through Culture, November 16-17; Irvine, California, USA.
- Ditt-Pfundstein, S., Daura-Jorge, F.G., CANTOR, M., Wedekin, L.L. 2014. Primeira estimativa de abundanca da populacao mais austral de botos-cinza, Sotalia guianensis,, Baia Norte, Sul do Brasil. 16 Reunión de expertos en mamíferos acuáticos de América del sur (RT) / X Congreso de la sociedad latinoamericana de especialistas en mamíferos acuáticos (SOLAMAC), Cartagena, Colombia.
- Peroni, N. ; Cavechia, L. ; CANTOR, M. ; Begossi, A. 2012 . Social network analysis of a vegetative propagated species and the implications for resilience. 13th Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology. Montpellier, France.
- CANTOR, M. ; Wedekin, L. L. ; Guimarães Jr., P. R. ; Simões-Lopes, P. C. A. 2011. In the same place at different times: the temporal structure of the social network of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis). In: 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. v. 19. p. 53-54.
- Longo, G.O, CANTOR, M., Bender, M., Floeter, S. 2010. Exploring reef fish feeding interactions on benthic community in Brazilian reefs. Sao Paulo Summer School on Ecological Networks.
- CANTOR, M. ; Wedekin, L. L. ; Daura-Jorge, F.G. ; Rossi-Santos, M. ; Simões-Lopes, P. C. A. 2010. Population dynamics of Sotalia guianensis in the Caravelas Estuary, Brazil: a small population composed by residents and temporary emigrants. In: XIV Reunião de Trabalhos de Especialistas em Mamíferos Aquáticos da América do Sul, 2010, Florianópolis. v. 14. p. 5018.
- CANTOR, M. ; Daura-Jorge, F.G. ; Wedekin, L. L. ; Rossi-Santos, M. ; Faget, T. ; Simões-Lopes, P. C. A. 2009. Abundance estimates for a seven-year monitored population of Guiana Dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in northeastern Brazil. In: 10th International Mammalogical Conference, 2009, Mendoza. Abstracts of 10th International Mammalogical Conference, Mendoza, Argentina. p. 139-140.
- Setz, E. Z. F. ; Souza, C. E. ; CANTOR, M. ; Santos, M. V. S. ; Piccinini, C. M. ; Castilho, C.P ; Gaspar, D. ; Marco, A. . White-eared opossum (Didelphis albiventris) growth in southeastern Brazil. In: 10th International Mammalogical Conference, 2009, Mendoza. Abstracts of 10th International Mammalogical Conference, 2009. p. 290.
- Daura-Jorge, F.G. ; Da Rosa, D. ; Romeu, B. ; Loch, C. S. ; Righetti, B. P. H. ; CANTOR, M. ; Simões-Lopes, P. C. A. . Ecologia e conservação do boto-da-tainha, Tursiops truncatus, em Laguna, sul do Brasil (SC).. In: Semana de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2009, Florianopolis. Anais da SEPEX. Florianopolis : UFSC, 2009. v. 8.
- Da Rosa, D. ; Daura-Jorge, F.G. ; Romeu, B. ; Loch, C. S. ; Righetti, B. P. H. ; CANTOR, M. ; Simões-Lopes, P. C. A. . Conhecimento tradicional dos pescadores sobre o boto-da-tainha, Tursiops truncatus, em Laguna - SC. In: Semana de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2009, Florianopolis. Anais do SEPEX. Florianopolis : UFSC, 2009. v. 8.
- CANTOR, M. ; Wedekin, L. L. ; Daura-Jorge, F.G. ; Rossi-Santos, M. ; Simões-Lopes, P. C. A. . A power analysis to detect trends in the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) population from Caravelas River Estuary, Eastern Brazil. In: VI Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Mamíferos Aquáticos e II Simpósio Nordestino de Mamíferos Aquáticos, 2009, Salvador. Livro de Resumos. Salvador : Encopemaq, 2009. v. 6. p. 77.
- Piccinini, C. M. ; Setz, E. Z. F. ; CANTOR, M. ; Santos, M. V. S. ; Souza, C. E. . Dinamica Populacional de Didelphis albiventris (Marsupialia, Didelphidae) em um Parque Urbano de Campinas. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia, 2008, Sao Lourenco, MG. Resumos do Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia. Rio de Janeiro : Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia, 2008. p. 213.
- CANTOR, M. ; Marco, A. ; Vedovello, M. ; Santos, M. V. S. ; Setz, E. Z. F. . Didelphis albiventris em um fragmento florestal urbano: o que temos no cardápio para este generalista?. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia, 2008, São Lourenço MG. Caderno de Resumos do IV Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia. Rio de Janeiro : Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia, 2008. p. 225.
- Piccinini, C. M. ; CANTOR, M. ; Santos, M. V. S. ; Souza, C. E. ; Setz, E. Z. F. . Estrutura e dinâmica populacional dos pequenos mamíferos em um fragmento de vegetação em área urbana, Campinas, SP. In: XVI Congresso Interno de Iniciação Científica, 2008, Campinas SP. Caderno de Resumos do XVI Congresso Interno de Iniciação Cientifica de Unicamp. Campinas SP : Editora da Unicamp, 2008.
- Santos, M. V. S. ; CANTOR, M. ; Marco, A. ; Castilho, C.P ; Piccinini, C. M. ; Setz, E. Z. F. ; Ueta, M. T. . Fauna parasitológica de pequenos mamiferos em um fragmento urbano na cidade de Campinas, SP. In: XV Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária, 2008, Curitiba PR. Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária, 2008.
- CANTOR, M. ; Cachuba, T. ; Engel, M. . Behavioral Reactions of Wintering Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to Biopsy Sampling in Southwestern Atlantic. In: XIII Reunión de Trabajos y VII Congreso Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos da America del Sur, 2008, Montevidéo. Cuaderno de Resúmenes XIII RT y VII Congreso SOLAMAC. Montevideo : SOLAMAC, 2008.
- CANTOR, M. ; Piccinini, C. M. ; Setz, E. Z. F. ; Silva, W. R. . Pequenos Mamíferos como dispersores de sementes em um fragmento de mata nativa da Bacia do Rio Anhumas, Campinas, SP. In: XV Congresso Interno de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp, 2007, Campinas. Caderno de Resumos do XV Congresso Interno de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp. Campinas : Editora da Unicamp, 2007.
- Leite, F. P. P. ; Cruvinel, G. T. ; CANTOR, M. ; Siqueira, S. . Associação entre o gamarídeo Leucothoe spinicarpa (Abildgaard, 1789)(Crustacea, Amphipoda, Leucothoidae) e a ascídia Phallusia nigra (Savigny 1816) do sudeste do Brasil. In: XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias del Mar - COLACMAR, 2005, Viña del Mar. Cuaderno de Resúmenes XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias del Mar. Vinã del Mar, 2005. p. 92-93.
- Cruvinel, G. T. ; CANTOR, M. ; Leite, F. P. P. . Abundância e variação de tamanho do anfípodo gamarídeo comensal Leucothoe spinicarpa (Leucothoidae, Gammaridea) em relação ao seu hospedeiro Phallusia nigra (Ascidiacea, Urochordata). In: XVIII Simpósio de Biologia Marinha, CEBIMAR USP, 2003, São Sebastião. Anais do XVIII Simpósio de Biologia Marinha CEBIMar/USP. São Sebastião : Cebimar USP, 2003. v. 18.
- Cruvinel, G. T. ; CANTOR, M. ; Leite, F. P. P. . Abundância e Variação do Anfípodo Comensal Leucothoe spinicarpa (Leucothoidea, Gammaridea, Crustacea) em Relação a seu Hospedeiro Phallusia nigra (Ascidiacea, Urochordata). In: VI Congresso Aberto aos Estudantes de Biologia, CAEB, UNICAMP, 2003, Campinas. Caderno de Resumos do VI Congresso Aberto aos Estudantes de Biologia. Campinas : Editora da Unicamp, 2003. p. 1021.
Technical reports
22. Domit, C., Kiszka, J., Caballero, S., Ciotti, L., Vidal, L.G., Lacerda, M., Manfredini, G., Marcondes, D., Fraga, G., Zerbini, A., Tardin, R., Cantor, M., Meirelles, A.C., Cremer, M.J., Manhaes, B., Rosso Londoño, M.C., Miranda, A., Torres-Flores, J.P., Sousa-Lima, R., Guidio, R., Melo-Santos, G., Maricato, G., Maciel, I.S., Flach, L. Accepted. A conservation management plan for Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianenis. Sub Committee Small Cetaceans, International Whaling Commission. SC69B_CMP_8.
21. Domit et al. 2020. Progress report of the Sotalia guianensis Intersessional Group: Status of the Current Knowledge and Action Plan. SC/68C/SM/18 Rev1.
20. Domit C, Susana Caballero, Adriana Miranda, Pedro Fruet, Juan Pablo Torres-Florez, Haydee Cunha, Ana Faro, Alexandre Azevedo, Tatiana Bisi, Yurasi Briceño, Marta J. Cremer, Rodrigo Tardin, Andre S. Barreto, Carolina P. Bertozzi, José Lailson Brito Junior8 Hector Barrios- Garrido, Tara Van Belleghem, Laura May-Collado, Juliana Di Tullio, Ana Paula L. Bracarense; CANTOR, M, Artur Andriolo. 2020. Sotalia guianensis pre-assessment workshop: main results and status of the current knowledge. Report to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission SC_68B_SM_WP_02. Report 15 april 2021: IWC | J. Cetacean Res. Manage (Supp) 22: 333-378 | 342
19. Emer, C., Maia K., Santana P., Santana E.M., Muniz D., Cosmo, L.G., Assis A.P., Burin G.,CANTOR, M., Lemos-Costa P., Velásquez V.M., Birskis-Barros I., Gaiarsa M., Medeiros, L.P. Marquitti F., Côrtes M., Dáttilo W., Andreazzi C., Pires M., Melo, D., Migon, E.X.F.G., Raimundo R., Guimarães, P.R. Jr. 2020. Vulnerability of the micro-regions of the South of Brazil to the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. Technical Report. Preprint. DOI:
18. Raimundo R., Maia K., Muniz D., CANTOR, M., Guimarães, P.R. Jr., Lemos-Costa P., Santana E.M., Gaiarsa M., Santana P., Giacobelli L., Assis A.P., Birskis-Barros I., Medeiros L., Marquitti F., Dáttilo W., Andreazzi C., Pires M., Velásquez V., Migon, E. 2020. Vulnerability of micro-regions within Northeast Brazil to the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. Technical Report. Preprint. DOI:
17. Guimarães, P.R. Jr., Muniz D., Giacobelli L., Maia K., Gaiarsa M., Assis A.P., Santana P., Santana E.M., Birskis-Barros I., Medeiros L., Velásquez V., Burin G., Marquitti F., Dáttilo W., CANTOR, M., Lemos-Costa P., Raimundo R., Andreazzi C., Pires M., Côrtes M., Migon, E. 2020. Vulnerabilidade das microrregiões do Estado de São Paulo à pandemia do novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2). Technical Report. Preprint. DOI:
16. Gaiarsa, M. P. ; Marquitti, F. M. D. ; Lemos-Costa, P. ; Burin, G. ; Medeiros, L. P. ; Velasquez, V. M. ; Santana, P. ; Santana, E. M. ; Maia, K. ; Muniz, D. G. ; Giacobelli, L. ; Assis, A. P. A. ; Birskis-Barros, I. ; CANTOR, M.; Emer, C. ; Andreazzi, C. S. ; Pires, M. M. ; Cortes, M. C. ; Melo, D. ; Dattilo, W. ; Raimundo, R. L. G. ; Guimarães Jr., P. R. . Structural vulnerability of hospitals, cemeteries, and crematoriums of the city of São Paulo to COVID-19. Scielo Preprints, 2020 Technical Report. Preprint. DOI:
15. Atkins, S., CANTOR, M., Cliff, G., Pillay, N. 2019 Reducing humpback dolphin bycatch in the shark nets in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: past, present, future. Report to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission. Working paper SC/68A/HIM/16
14. CANTOR, M. 2018. What are the dolphin's payoffs when cooperating with fishermen? Report of the 2017 Grant in Aid of Research Recipients. The society for Marine Mammalogy, US. (LINK)
13. Whitehead, H., CANTOR, M. 2015. Implications of seismic surveys to the cetaceans off Galapagos Islands. Parque Nacional Galapagos.
12. Whitehead, H., CANTOR, M. 2014. Structure and Status of Sperm Whale Populations in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Final Report for the National Geographic Society. CRE Grant number #9403-13.
11. CANTOR, M., Merlen, G., Whitehead, H. 2014. Cachalotes en aguas del Ecuador and Islas Galapagos. Final Report to the Parque Nacional Galapagos, Permisos de Investigacion PC10-13 and PC12-14. (in Spanish).
10. CANTOR, M., Felix, F., Whitehead, H. 2014. Estudio de cachalotes en aguas ecuatorianas en 2014. Final report for the Dirección Nacional de Biodiversidad, Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre, Ministerio del Ambiente, Ecuador (in Spanish)
9. CANTOR, M., Whitehead, H. 2014. Cachalotes en las Islas Galápagos: informe de muestras biologicas. Report to the Parque Nacional Galapagos, Ecuador (in Spanish)
8. CANTOR, M., Whitehead, H. 2014. Cachalotes en las Islas Galápagos en 2014. Report to the Parque Nacional Galapagos, Ecuador (in Spanish)
7. CANTOR, M.; Whitehead, H.; Kean, M.; Félix, F. 2013. Estudio de Physeter macrocephalus en aguas ecuatorianas (No 002-12 IC-FAU-DNB/MA). Final report for the Dirección Nacional de Biodiversidad, Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre, Ministerio del Ambiente, Ecuador (in Spanish)
6. CANTOR, M., Whitehead, H. 2013. Cachalotes en las Islas Galápagos en 2013. Report to the Parque Nacional Galapagos, Ecuador (in Spanish)
5. CANTOR, M.; Whitehead, H. 2013. Cachalotes en aguas de Ecuador y Islas Galápagos (PC-10-13). Preliminary report for the Parque Nacional Galapagos, Ecuador (in Spanish).
4. Wedekin, L. L. ; CANTOR, M. ; Borges, A. ; Farias, U. A. 2012. Monitoramento do boto-cinza no Estuário do Rio Caravelas e adjacências: resultados de 10 anos de estudo 2002 a 2011. (in Portuguese).
3. Wedekin, L. L. ; CANTOR, M. ; Borges, A. ; Farias, U. A. 2011 . Monitoramento do boto-cinza no Estuário do Rio Caravelas e adjacências: resultados das campanhas de 2010 e campanha de dragagem de 2011. (In Portuguese).
2. Wedekin, L. L. ; CANTOR, M. ; Farias, U. A. ; Penin-Garcia F. C. ; Rossi-Santos, M. ; Faget, T. ; Borges, A. ; Lobo, A.J. 2010. Relatório Final do Monitoramento do Boto-Cinza no Estuário do Rio Caravelas e Adjacências. (in Portuguese).
1. Wedekin, L. L. ; Penin-Garcia F. C. ; Rossi-Santos, M. ; CANTOR, M. ; Faget, T. ; Farias, U. A. 2009. MONITORAMENTO DO BOTO-CINZA NO ESTUÁRIO DO RIO CARAVELAS E ADJACÊNCIAS. 2009. (In Portuguese).
21. Domit et al. 2020. Progress report of the Sotalia guianensis Intersessional Group: Status of the Current Knowledge and Action Plan. SC/68C/SM/18 Rev1.
20. Domit C, Susana Caballero, Adriana Miranda, Pedro Fruet, Juan Pablo Torres-Florez, Haydee Cunha, Ana Faro, Alexandre Azevedo, Tatiana Bisi, Yurasi Briceño, Marta J. Cremer, Rodrigo Tardin, Andre S. Barreto, Carolina P. Bertozzi, José Lailson Brito Junior8 Hector Barrios- Garrido, Tara Van Belleghem, Laura May-Collado, Juliana Di Tullio, Ana Paula L. Bracarense; CANTOR, M, Artur Andriolo. 2020. Sotalia guianensis pre-assessment workshop: main results and status of the current knowledge. Report to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission SC_68B_SM_WP_02. Report 15 april 2021: IWC | J. Cetacean Res. Manage (Supp) 22: 333-378 | 342
19. Emer, C., Maia K., Santana P., Santana E.M., Muniz D., Cosmo, L.G., Assis A.P., Burin G.,CANTOR, M., Lemos-Costa P., Velásquez V.M., Birskis-Barros I., Gaiarsa M., Medeiros, L.P. Marquitti F., Côrtes M., Dáttilo W., Andreazzi C., Pires M., Melo, D., Migon, E.X.F.G., Raimundo R., Guimarães, P.R. Jr. 2020. Vulnerability of the micro-regions of the South of Brazil to the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. Technical Report. Preprint. DOI:
18. Raimundo R., Maia K., Muniz D., CANTOR, M., Guimarães, P.R. Jr., Lemos-Costa P., Santana E.M., Gaiarsa M., Santana P., Giacobelli L., Assis A.P., Birskis-Barros I., Medeiros L., Marquitti F., Dáttilo W., Andreazzi C., Pires M., Velásquez V., Migon, E. 2020. Vulnerability of micro-regions within Northeast Brazil to the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. Technical Report. Preprint. DOI:
17. Guimarães, P.R. Jr., Muniz D., Giacobelli L., Maia K., Gaiarsa M., Assis A.P., Santana P., Santana E.M., Birskis-Barros I., Medeiros L., Velásquez V., Burin G., Marquitti F., Dáttilo W., CANTOR, M., Lemos-Costa P., Raimundo R., Andreazzi C., Pires M., Côrtes M., Migon, E. 2020. Vulnerabilidade das microrregiões do Estado de São Paulo à pandemia do novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2). Technical Report. Preprint. DOI:
16. Gaiarsa, M. P. ; Marquitti, F. M. D. ; Lemos-Costa, P. ; Burin, G. ; Medeiros, L. P. ; Velasquez, V. M. ; Santana, P. ; Santana, E. M. ; Maia, K. ; Muniz, D. G. ; Giacobelli, L. ; Assis, A. P. A. ; Birskis-Barros, I. ; CANTOR, M.; Emer, C. ; Andreazzi, C. S. ; Pires, M. M. ; Cortes, M. C. ; Melo, D. ; Dattilo, W. ; Raimundo, R. L. G. ; Guimarães Jr., P. R. . Structural vulnerability of hospitals, cemeteries, and crematoriums of the city of São Paulo to COVID-19. Scielo Preprints, 2020 Technical Report. Preprint. DOI:
15. Atkins, S., CANTOR, M., Cliff, G., Pillay, N. 2019 Reducing humpback dolphin bycatch in the shark nets in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: past, present, future. Report to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission. Working paper SC/68A/HIM/16
14. CANTOR, M. 2018. What are the dolphin's payoffs when cooperating with fishermen? Report of the 2017 Grant in Aid of Research Recipients. The society for Marine Mammalogy, US. (LINK)
13. Whitehead, H., CANTOR, M. 2015. Implications of seismic surveys to the cetaceans off Galapagos Islands. Parque Nacional Galapagos.
12. Whitehead, H., CANTOR, M. 2014. Structure and Status of Sperm Whale Populations in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Final Report for the National Geographic Society. CRE Grant number #9403-13.
11. CANTOR, M., Merlen, G., Whitehead, H. 2014. Cachalotes en aguas del Ecuador and Islas Galapagos. Final Report to the Parque Nacional Galapagos, Permisos de Investigacion PC10-13 and PC12-14. (in Spanish).
10. CANTOR, M., Felix, F., Whitehead, H. 2014. Estudio de cachalotes en aguas ecuatorianas en 2014. Final report for the Dirección Nacional de Biodiversidad, Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre, Ministerio del Ambiente, Ecuador (in Spanish)
9. CANTOR, M., Whitehead, H. 2014. Cachalotes en las Islas Galápagos: informe de muestras biologicas. Report to the Parque Nacional Galapagos, Ecuador (in Spanish)
8. CANTOR, M., Whitehead, H. 2014. Cachalotes en las Islas Galápagos en 2014. Report to the Parque Nacional Galapagos, Ecuador (in Spanish)
7. CANTOR, M.; Whitehead, H.; Kean, M.; Félix, F. 2013. Estudio de Physeter macrocephalus en aguas ecuatorianas (No 002-12 IC-FAU-DNB/MA). Final report for the Dirección Nacional de Biodiversidad, Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre, Ministerio del Ambiente, Ecuador (in Spanish)
6. CANTOR, M., Whitehead, H. 2013. Cachalotes en las Islas Galápagos en 2013. Report to the Parque Nacional Galapagos, Ecuador (in Spanish)
5. CANTOR, M.; Whitehead, H. 2013. Cachalotes en aguas de Ecuador y Islas Galápagos (PC-10-13). Preliminary report for the Parque Nacional Galapagos, Ecuador (in Spanish).
4. Wedekin, L. L. ; CANTOR, M. ; Borges, A. ; Farias, U. A. 2012. Monitoramento do boto-cinza no Estuário do Rio Caravelas e adjacências: resultados de 10 anos de estudo 2002 a 2011. (in Portuguese).
3. Wedekin, L. L. ; CANTOR, M. ; Borges, A. ; Farias, U. A. 2011 . Monitoramento do boto-cinza no Estuário do Rio Caravelas e adjacências: resultados das campanhas de 2010 e campanha de dragagem de 2011. (In Portuguese).
2. Wedekin, L. L. ; CANTOR, M. ; Farias, U. A. ; Penin-Garcia F. C. ; Rossi-Santos, M. ; Faget, T. ; Borges, A. ; Lobo, A.J. 2010. Relatório Final do Monitoramento do Boto-Cinza no Estuário do Rio Caravelas e Adjacências. (in Portuguese).
1. Wedekin, L. L. ; Penin-Garcia F. C. ; Rossi-Santos, M. ; CANTOR, M. ; Faget, T. ; Farias, U. A. 2009. MONITORAMENTO DO BOTO-CINZA NO ESTUÁRIO DO RIO CARAVELAS E ADJACÊNCIAS. 2009. (In Portuguese).
Data packages
Unregistered computer programs (code packages)
10. Tarling P, CANTOR M, Clapés A, Escalera SG. 2021. Deep learning with self-supervision and uncertainty regularization to count fish in underwater images. Repository:
9. Machado, AMS, CANTOR, M.. 2021. The MAMMals R package: Managing Animal Multi Media: align, link, sync MAMMals R package webpage 8. Chimento M, Smeele SQ, Farine DR., CANTOR, M. Social network architecture and the tempo of cumulative cultural evolution. GitHub ABM package 7. CANTOR, M., Farine, D.R.. 2018. The coopgroup R package. 6. CANTOR, M., Gero, S., Rendell, L., Whitehead, H. 2016. The codaclan MATLAB package. 5. CANTOR, M., Pires, M.M. & Barneche. 2016. The UNODF R package: nestedness for unipartite networks 4. CANTOR, M. 2015. The balabm R package: Agent-based models for sperm whale societies. 3. CANTOR, M. 2014. The Rindex R package: reviewing reviewers' rewards. 2. Yien, J. CANTOR, M. et al. 2015. The fwga R package: Genetic algorithm for simulating food webs 1. Barneche, D.R. & CANTOR, M. 2013. The nNest R package: nestedness analyses across scales and functional groups. Bitbucket and Github profile |
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